
IoT sLory (Serial to LoRa Converter)

Serial to LoRa Converter, Provides RS-232, RS-232/422/485 serial communication standards for 1 port

Código de artículo VAR-827001516

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Disponible para envío inmediato: 0

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Artículo ubicado en y enviado desde: Riedlingen, Alemania

130,78 USD *
Contenido 1

* Sin IVA excl. Gastos de envío



LoRa is a wireless communication technology for sensor networks, a next-generation LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) communication technology that can transfer a small amount of data over long range. sLory from SystemBase uses the LoRa to provide a communication range of a few kilometers and supports RS-232 or RS-232/422/485 standards for wireless communication of serial data. Users can build a long-range wireless network based on the serial standards.

LoryNet Compatibility

LoryNet, a virtual cable platform based on LPWA (Low Power Wide Area) communication technology LoRa, connects sensor nodes, converters, repeaters, and gateways via the Internet to create an environment where communication is as easy as writing/reading on a hard disk drive. The configuration and preference settings related to connecting various digital and analog communications, including the Internet, have been simplified. Also, the compatibility between different protocols is strengthened, making network system configuration as easy as writing and reading data from a hard disk drive in a computer. By using a physical, virtual cable platform “LoryNet,” which connects various communication methods, one can monitor, analyze, and control data obtained from all over the world. Additionally, due to its table-based communication methods, application and communication protocol can be differentiated and easily used. The private LoRa network operating in the unlicensed frequency band allows the user to configure the network without an additional charge. To this end, various environment SDK’s (Windows, Linux, Android, iOS, and OS-less) are provided so that users can easily create and apply customized applications.

Wireless serial network construction

The serial network communication, widely used in the industrial field and in control measurement areas, is used in various industries due to its easy operation. By using the Lory series from SystemBase, a technology that combines RS-232/422/485 standard serial communications and Lora, the user can configure and utilize a wireless network for remote control, data collection, and monitoring.

High performance and excellent reliability

Designed with the industry field in mind, sLory provides stable reliability and high performance by using proven components and employing the preventative measures against electric shock that can be caused by input surge.

Identificación de artículo 101279
Fabricante SystemBase
País de origen
Contenido 1 undefined




  Specification LoRa
 Air Interface 917MHz ~ 923MHz
 Transmission Power Max. 25mW
 Encryption AES 128



 Number of ports 1 Port
  Interface RS232/422/485 (DB9 Female)
  Maximum Speed 926.1kbps
Signal Lines RS232 : TXD, RXD, RTS, CTS
RS422 : TXD+, TXD-, RXD+, RXD
RS485 : TRXD+, TRXD-
Data Bits 8
Stop Bits 1
Parity Bits None, Even, Odd
Flow Control RTS/CTS


Management Tool

  Management Tool LoRaConfig
  Configuration LoRaConfig, AT Command
  Utility(Supported OS) Windows 7 or higher versions, Android



  Power Requirement DC5V/1A Adapter Consumption : 1W
  Dimensions 34.90(W) x 90.15(L) x 16.50(H)mm
 Weight 40.5g


Operating Environment

  Operating Temperature -40 ~ 85℃
  Storing Temperature -40 ~ 85℃
 Humidity 5 ~ 95% Non-Condensing


  Certifications KC, FCC, TELEC