
RYS3520: + 3.3 V UART interface GNSS Antenna module

◆ Multi-GNSS GPS/GLONASS/Galileo/BeiDou module. ◆ Protocol NMEA 0183 V4.10 ◆ Support for multi-GNSS including QZSS and SBAS ranging. ◆ Integrated 12 multi-tone active interference cancellers. ◆ Indoor and outdoor path detection and compensation. ◆ Including enhanced SAW filter, LNA and TCXO.

Référence de l’article: VAR-827002912

Numéro de produit du fabricant: RYS3520

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Article situé / expédié de : Riedlingen, Allemagne

7,87 EUR *
Contenu 1 pièce

* Hors TVA hors Frais de livraison


The RYS3520 +3.3V GNSS module is a multi-GNSS module with high sensitivity and performance, It supports GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou, and QZSS systems. It also supports SBAS, WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS, GAGAN, and AGNSS functions.

ID de l’art. 102468
Modèle RYS3520
Fabricant Reyax
Pays de fabrication Taiwan
Contenu 1 pièce
Poids 110 g
Poids net 100 g


Item Min. Typical Max. Unit Condition
Power Supply Voltage 2.5 3.3 3.6 V VCC
Backup Supply Voltage 1.65 3.3 3.63 V V_BCKP
Satellite acquisition Current   33   mA  
Satellite tracking Current   33   mA  
RTC backup Current   12   uA  
Default Baud Rate   115200   bps 8,N,1
Digital input level high 2   VCC +0.3 V VIH
Digital input level low -0.3   0.8 V VIL
Digital output level high 2.4   VCC V VOH
Digital output level low     0.4 V VOL
Supported GNSS Bands       MHz GPS L1 C/A, QZSS L1 C/A: 1575.42 MHz
GLONASS L1: 1598.0625 1605.375 MHz
BDS B1I: 1561.098 MHz
B1C*: 1575.42 MHz
Galileo E1: 1575.42 MHz
Number of Tracking Channels   47      
Number of Concurrent GNSS   5      
Acceleration     4 G  
Accuracy of 1PPS Signal   100   ns.  
Navigation update rate   1 10 Hz  
Accuracy   1.5   M CEP 50%, 24 hours static, more
than 6 satellites, Signal strength
is 130dBm
Cold starts without AGNSS   26   Sec. Signal strength is -130dBm
Warm starts without AGNSS   20   Sec. Signal strength is -130dBm
Hot starts without AGNSS




Sec. Signal strength is -130dBm
Cold starts with EASY   12   Sec. Signal strength is -130dBm
Warm starts with EASY




Sec. Signal strength is -130dBm
Hot starts with EASY   1   Sec. Signal strength is -130dBm
Cold starts with Flash EPO




Sec. Signal strength is -130dBm
Tracking Sensitivity   -167   dBm  
Hot starts Sensitivity


-160   dBm  
Cold starts Sensitivity   -148   dBm  




M /s  
Altitude   10000 80000[1] M [1]Balloon mode




Operating Temperature











